Justin Cuellar who has claimed the title ISKA ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION an entirely unprecedented, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW

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Perhaps the word “DOMINANCE” is actually too SMALL a word to describe the remarkable accomplishments of Justin Cuellar who has claimed the title ISKA ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION an entirely unprecedented, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW.

No, really!

With 25 years of training, this Fire Fighting Lieutenant and Professional Martial Arts instructor has owned the title “Ultimate Breaking Champion” since 2019.

To earn this title even once, a competitor must first be successful regionally in order qualify to compete at the world championships. And then, you are required to register for all four, world championship breaking divisions. He/she must be successful in each event and accumulate more “success points” than any of the other 25-30 world-class breaking competitors. To do it just once is a “lifetime achievement”. To do it four times in a row….that’s just crazy I tell you!

Justin Cuellar is the owner/operator of Team Chip Martial Arts in Kosciursko, Mississippi and can be reached by email at teamchip.mississippi@gmail.com
Career highlights:

2017 ISKA World Lightweight Power Concrete Kick Champion

2018 ISKA World Lightweight Power Concrete Kick, Lightweight 3 Directional Board Champions

2019 ISKA World Lightweight Power Concrete Kick, Lightweight 3 Directional Board and ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION

2020 Covid No Tournament

2021 ISKA World Creative Breaking, Lightweight 3 Directional Board and ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION

2022 ISKA World Lightweight Power Concrete Kick and ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION

2023 ISKA World Lightweight 3 Directional Board and ULTIMATE BREAKING CHAMPION